Chapters 2-9 are on RoughCuts, here's the full chapter list

Friday, November 07 2008

While the entire book is now in production, so far Chapters 2-9 have made it into the RoughCuts version.

Here's a full chapter list. THere are still "working titles" on a few of the chapters.


1. Introducing ADO.NET Entity Framework

2. EDM Basics

3. Foundations of Querying

4. More Querying (yes, this is a working title!)

5. Basics of Stored Procedures in the EDM

6. A More Practical Model

7. Databinding Entity Framework in Windows Apps

8. Object Services

9. Customizing Objects

10. ASP.NET EntityDataSource Control

11. Advanced Modeling

12. Implementing Stored Procedures: Beyond the Basics

13. Entity Framework in Web & WCF Services

14. Relationships & Associations

15. Makingi it Real: Performance, Transactions and more

16. Take Control of Objects with ObjectStateManager and Metadata Workspace

17. Handling Entity Framework Exceptions (this chapter includes Optimistic COncurrency)

18. Customizing Objects

19. Considerations for using EF in Client Side Application Layers

20. Considerations for implementing Layers in ASP.NET Applications

21. Building a Smarter WCF Service to Work with Entities

22. Entity Framework Today and Tomorrow

Appendix: Assemblies and Namespaces