New Entity Framework in the Enterprise Course on Pluralsight

Friday, October 19 2012 as in published last month but I never blogged about it.

This is a 3hr16 minute course called “Entity Framework in the Enterprise”.

Learn how Entity Framework fits into your overall software solution when using enterprise level architecture. You'll see how to implement DDD Bounded Contexts with EF, Repository and Unit of Work patterns and a variety of styles of automated testing. This course is applicable to apps built with V2010, EF4.1+ and .NET 4 as well as with VS2012, EF5 and .NET 4.5.

There are four modules.

1) Architecting the Data Layer (Overview)

2) Bounded DbContext

3) Repositories and Unit of Work

4) Automated Testing

Pluralsight put a 10-minute clip of this on YouTube and the blogged about it. The clip focuses on the Domain Driven Design Bounded Context pattern and how I’ll implement it with Entity Framework. Here is that clip.

The full course (which requires a subscription, but a month for $29 that gives you full access to the entire Pluralsight library is pretty cheap!) . Here’s the link to the course.

I now have 9 Entity Framework courses on Pluralsight which is almost 17 hours worth of content.
