Teaching EF at TechEd 2008

Wednesday, February 20 2008

I found out recently that I will be giving not one, but two sessions related to Entity Framework at TechEd 2008 US Developer.

I found out recently that I will be giving not one, but two sessions related to Entity Framework at TechEd 2008 US Developer.

Advanced Entity Framework: Entity Data Model in the Enterprise


.NET 3.5 Data Access Guidance

I'm sure there will be plenty of other ADO.NET/EF/Data Services sessions there as well.

Since we'll be nearing the end of "the first half of 2008" which is the period of time in which E.F. is supposed to be released, this could end up being E.F.s coming out party. But, it's only early June, and there will be 3 more weeks in the first half of 2008 after that, so it's hard to call it at the moment.