Hard Core EF4 with Julie Lerman, London Oct 22

Tuesday, August 10 2010


Hard Core EF4
Full Day of Advanced Entity Framework 4 Workshop
with Julie Lerman

Register: hardcoreef4.eventbrite.com

You’ve been working with Entity Framework 3.5 or maybe even Entity Framework 4, but are ready to take your EF4 code further. You’ve got nagging questions and wish you could just spend a day with an Entity Framework guru!

Now’s your chance! On October 22nd, Julie Lerman will be conducting a full day Advanced Entity Framework 4 workshop in London.

The day will focus on the benefits of EF4’s new POCO support.

You’ll learn the different ways that you can enable POCO support in Entity Framework

You’ll then see how to take advantage of the POCO support.

  • Customizing the code generation templates.
  • Using POCOS in WCF services without pulling your hair out to deal with change tracking
  • Building smarter architectures with repositories, Unit of Work
  • Unit testing with fake contexts and fake data without hitting the database.

½ day of demos + ½ day of Q&A with the pro= 
1 day of Hard Core Entity Framework 4.

REGISTRATION AT hardcoreef4.eventbrite.com.