Cool! I'm on

Wednesday, June 18 2008

I have no idea when this went on to Amazon, but it's there now. I STILL don't have a cover which is frustrating. And Amazon seems to have given me some extra time to finish my book! The "about the author" seems funny to me. I guess since, unlike some people, I don't have 80 books under my belt (LINQ to Dummies is #80 for John), or even one, there's not much to lean on here.

I think it's going to be a bit longer than 456 pages, but hell, with that big discount, I better find another day job! I think that will translate to about $1/book that goes towards my royalties! And I doubt that the book will hit Amazon's top 10 list (of all categories) like Bill, Scott & Devin's ASP.NET book which has already been reprinted numerous times!